Meet the Teacher

Welcome to Fifth Grade! My name is Mrs. Feliz and I am SO excited for another fun year of teaching 5th grade at Sunset Ranch! More importantly, I am THRILLED to be your child’s teacher! It’s going to be a great year full of lots of learning and new adventures. I can’t wait to see what the year has in store for us. I want to know ALL about you, but first I’m going to tell you a few things about me.

A Little Bit about Me:

I was born and raised in Salt Lake City, UT and moved to Roseville my senior year in high school. I have lived in Rocklin for 22 years with my husband Mr. Feliz who is a local custom home and remodel contractor with MJB, Homes Inc.  We have 2 children, Hannah and Donavan.  Donavan is at Cal Poly San Luis Obispo studying to be a mechanical engineer. Hannah just graduated from Arizona State University and is living in Arizona. We also have 2 yellow lab fur babies, Max is 13 and Tucker is 5 months. I enjoy spending time with my family and activities that we enjoy include swimming in our pool, camping, fishing, going to the beach and other outdoor activities.  Some of my hobbies include Pinterest, learning, reading, organizing, and mainly spending time with my family when I can!

A Few of My Favorite Things:

Favorite Color: Blue                                      Favorite Season: Summer     

Favorite Snack: Fruit and Pirate’s Booty       Favorite Book: Harry Potter Series

Favorite Drink: Starbuck’s Refreshers and Soy Chai Tea Latte

Favorite Food: Anything Mexican Don Quixote’s Mexican Grill and El Azteca (in Roseville)

My Teaching Experience:

I am so excited to begin my third year in fifth grade!! Prior to fifth grade, I taught 6th grade for 6 years and 1st grade for 2 years. I have worked in the Rocklin Unified School District for the past 16 years. I have a Master’s in Educational Leadership and an administration credential.  I have worked with children throughout my life and I love my job!!

I am looking forward to getting to know all of you!  I believe that good communication with students and their families is very important, so if you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact me.  

Go Coyotes!

Mrs. Feliz